DLA – Summary of the Project
Common methodology for the implementation of Digital Local Agenda and its impact on regional digital policies .
A Digital Local Agenda (DLA) is a common strategy shared with citizens, for the development of the Information Society which bears in mind socio-economic, cultural and institutional factors. Digital divide in Europe is a reality, and the economic and social development of European regions is largely conditioned by the degree of implementation of the Information Society.
In the case of public administrations, the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies tools in day-to-day practices brings immediate improvements: more efficiency, more productivity and better services for citizens and businesses. However, the extent to which the Information and Communication Technologies are developed in public authorities across Europe in general and in the project partners in particular varies from one region to another.
The main objective of the project, which unites 11 partners from9 countries across Europe, is to improve regional policies in the fields of DLA in order to develop new activities related to the application of the Information and Communication Technologies to public services.
To do so, the project fosters a permanent exchange of experience among partners. It also establishes a cooperation network to update and improve knowledge on the information society and its applications in public administrations’ services. As specific objectives, the project seeks to:
//Lead partner: North Regional Development and Coordination Commission (PT)
//Contact details
//Duration: 01/2010 – 12/2012
//Total budget = € 1,491,456.00
//ERDF contribution = € 1,211,872.00
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